Conventional metadynamics¶
The metadynamics method is implemented according to the original paper by Laio and Parrinello
(A. Laio, M. Parrinello, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 99 (20), 12562 (2002)).
In this method, one or multiple collective variables (CVs) are used to add Gaussians
of fixed height
and width
steps to a
history-dependent bias potential of the form
Input preparation¶
As a preparation, open the GUI application and fill out the forms in the Molecular Dynamics
tab to perform a MD simulation of 1,3-butadiene at constant temperature of 300 K for several ps of
equilibration (
). Then run the simulation and create a new folder for the
metadynamics run.
When you start the GUI application in the new folder, choose Import from the
File menu to import the configuration of the equilibration. You want to use the coordinates and
velocities from the last step of the equilibration, so take the bottom option for the generation of
initial conditions and specify the path to the previous results. The last step of the dynamics is
taken, if no other value is given in the step form. Finally, switch to the Metadynamics tab and
check the Do metadynamics box.

Enter the Gaussian height and the number of time steps that should pass between
the addition of two Gaussians. The definition of collective variables (CV) is done in the third tab.

Click Add to create a new CV.

Choose a name and a type for the CV, in our case we want to describe the transition between the cis- and trans-forms of butadiene, so choose torsion from the drop-down menu. The atom indices that define the torsion angles are provided as a python list in the Configure… dialog.

The last thing to be entered is the Gaussian width. We can choose a value of 10 degrees as a
starting point. After saving the CV, you can edit and delete it again or add another one. You can
download the complete meta-config.json
file, if you have any problems.
See also
For a detailed description of all available collective variables see the List of collective variables.
See also
For the application of user-defined collective variables, see Definition of custom collective variables.
Analyze results¶
A plot of the current metadynamics potential is obtained during or after the dynamics run with the reconstruct command line tool. In this program, the potential is reconstructed by summation of all Gaussians on a grid of CV values. The grid is most easily adjusted in the plot tab of the CV editing function of the GUI application.

metaFALCON reconstruct --help
for an overview of all options of the reconstruction utility. For example, if you want to animate the potential evolution along the addition of Gaussians instead of the last frame only, the animate option is helpful:
metaFALCON reconstruct --animate
Reconstruction works well for metadynamics with one or two collective variables. For higher
dimensions, the grid and values are also saved as binary numpy array files, but it is
not possible to obtain a potential plot without further processing.