Source code for metafalcon.analysis.reconstruct

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Reconstruct and plot the metadynamics potential."""

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation

from .. import meta
from .. import constants as c

[docs]class reconstruct_metadynamics(meta.metadynamics):
[docs] def reconstruct_vg(self, x0=None, ngauss=None, plot=True, animate=False, stride=1, unit="eV", fes=True): """ Reconstruct and plot potential from data in vg_centers.dat and Grid and VG are saved as numpy arrays to vg_grid.npy and vg_values.npy Parameters ---------- x0 : list of numpy arrays manually specified x-values for each collective variable (default: None) ngauss : number first ngauss gaussian functions of the simulation will be evaluated (default: all) plot : boolean plot single image of vg with the specified number of gaussians (default: True) animate : boolean animate evolution of vg with number of gaussians (default: False) stride : number number of gaussians to be added in each frame of the animation (default: 1) fes : boolean plot the free energy surface instead of the metadynamics potential (default: True) """ self.unit = unit self.fes = fes self.centers = np.loadtxt(self.vgcentersfile, ndmin=1) if not x0: # if x0 not set manually, use standard ranges attributed to the CVs x0 = [cv.x for cv in self.activecvs] if not ngauss: # if ngauss not set manually, use all gaussians present in vg_centers.dat ngauss = len(self.centers) if self.welltemp: h = list(np.loadtxt(self.vgheightsfile)*c.to_energyunit(self.unit)) else: h = self.get_cfg("height")*c.from_energyunit(self.get_cfg("height_unit", default="eV")) h *= c.to_energyunit(self.unit) # w = [cv.convert_units(cv.width) for cv in self.activecvs] w = [cv.width for cv in self.activecvs] if self.nactivecvs == 1: x, w, cv = x0[0], w[0], self.activecvs[0] vg = self.get_1dvg(x, h, w, ngauss) if plot: self.plot_1dvg(vg, x, cv, ngauss) if animate: self.animate_1dvg(vg, x, h, w, cv, ngauss, stride) else: x = np.meshgrid(*x0) vg = self.get_ndvg(x, h, w, ngauss) if self.nactivecvs == 2: if plot: self.plot_2dvg(vg, x, self.activecvs, ngauss) if animate: self.animate_2dvg(vg, x, h, w, self.activecvs, ngauss, stride) else: print("The metadynamics potential can only be plotted for up to two CVs.") # fmt = "%i: %s" # for cv in self.cvs: # print fmt % (cv.idx, # plotted = raw_input("Please choose two CVs to be plotted (space-separated):\n").split() # plotted = [int(r) for r in plotted] # not_plotted = [i for i in range(self.nactivecvs) if not i in plotted] # if len(not_plotted) == 1: # not_plotted = not_plotted[0] # fmt = "%i: %6.2f" # for i, x_i in enumerate(x0[not_plotted]): # print fmt % (i, x_i) # not_plotted_value = int(raw_input("Please choose value for the CV %s:\n" % \ # self.cvs[not_plotted].name)) # # choose right part of vg for plotting from vg, x and not_plotted_value # if not_plotted == 0: # x = [x_i[:, not_plotted_value] for i, x_i in enumerate(x) if not i == 0] # vg = vg[:, not_plotted_value] # vg = vg.T # x = [x_i.T for x_i in x] # elif not_plotted == 1: # x = [x_i[not_plotted_value] for i, x_i in enumerate(x) if not i == 1] # vg = vg[not_plotted_value] # vg = vg.T # x = [x_i.T for x_i in x] # elif not_plotted == 2: # x = [x_i[:, :, not_plotted_value] for i, x_i in enumerate(x) if not i == 2] # vg = vg[:, :, not_plotted_value] # if plot: # cvs = [cv for i, cv in enumerate(self.activecvs) if i in plotted] # self.plot_2dvg(vg, x, cvs, ngauss) # if animate: ## self.animate_2dvg(vg, x, h, w, self.activecvs, ngauss, stride) # print "animation is currently not supported for more than 2 CVs." # else: # print "Plotting the metadynamics potential is only supported for up to 2 CVs""vg_grid.npy", x) print("Grid written to vg_grid.npy")"vg_values.npy", vg) print("Metadynamics potential written to vg_values.npy")
[docs] def gauss(self, x, g, w): return np.exp(-(x-g)**2/2/w**2)
[docs] def get_1dvg(self, x, heights, w, ngauss): """ Reconstruct vg on the 1D-grid x Parameters ---------- x : numpy array x-values for the collective variable h : number or list height of the added gaussians (single number for original, list for well-tempered) w : number width of the added gaussians ngauss : number first ngauss gaussian functions of the simulation will be evaluated Returns ------- vg : numpy array metadynamics potential on the grid x """ if not type(heights) == type([]): heights = [heights]*ngauss cv = self.activecvs[0] vg = np.zeros(x.size) for h, g in zip(heights, self.centers[:ngauss]): vg += h*self.gauss(x, g, w) if cv.periodic and cv.periodictype == "continue": shift = cv.periodicend - cv.periodicstart vg += h*self.gauss(x + shift, g, w) vg += h*self.gauss(x - shift, g, w) if cv.periodic: if cv.periodictype == "mirror": vg += h*self.gauss(2*cv.periodicstart-x, g, w) vg += h*self.gauss(2*cv.periodicend-x, g, w) return vg
[docs] def get_ndvg(self, x, heights, w, ngauss): """ Reconstruct vg on the nD-grid x Parameters ---------- x : list of numpy arrays x-values for each collective variable h : number or list height of the added gaussians (single number for original, list for well-tempered) w : list of numbers widths of the added gaussians (one per CV) ngauss : number first ngauss gaussian functions of the simulation will be evaluated Returns ------- vg : numpy array metadynamics potential on the grid x """ if not type(heights) == type([]): heights = [heights]*ngauss vg = np.zeros(x[0].shape) for h, g in zip(heights, self.centers[:ngauss]): # add one gaussian in each step glist = np.array([self.gauss(x[i], g[i], w[i]) for i in range(self.nactivecvs)]) vg += h*, axis=0) # combine single gaussians for j, cv in enumerate(self.activecvs): if cv.periodic and cv.periodictype == "continue": shifts = [cv.periodicstart-cv.periodicend, cv.periodicend-cv.periodicstart] for shift in shifts: xs = [x_i.copy() for x_i in x] xs[j] += shift glist = np.array([self.gauss(xs[i], g[i], w[i]) for i in range(self.nactivecvs)]) vg += h*, axis=0) # combine single gaussians return vg
[docs] def plot_1dvg(self, vg, x, cv, ngauss): """ Plot 1D metadynamics potential and save to file vg_ngauss-g.png Parameters ---------- vg : 1d numpy array metadynamics potential on the grid x x : 1d numpy array grid for the metadynamics potential cv : cv object parameters of the collective variable read from input file ngauss: number number of gaussians contained in vg """ if cv.ticks: plt.xticks(np.arange(x.min(), x.max()+cv.ticks, cv.ticks)) plt.xlabel("CV: " if self.fes: plt.ylabel("free energy / " + self.unit) plt.title("Free Energy Surface ("+str(ngauss)+" gaussians)") if self.welltemp: plt.plot(x, -(self.t + self.deltat)/self.deltat*vg, color="blue", lw=2.5) plt.fill_between(x, -(self.t + self.deltat)/self.deltat*vg, color="blue", alpha=0.1) else: plt.plot(x, -vg, color="blue", lw=2.5) plt.fill_between(x, -vg, color="blue", alpha=0.1) else: plt.ylabel("metadynamics potential / " + self.unit) plt.title("Metadynamics Potential ("+str(ngauss)+" gaussians)") plt.plot(x, vg, color="blue", lw=2.5) plt.fill_between(x, vg, color="blue", alpha=0.1) plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1) plt.savefig("vg_"+str(ngauss)+"-g.png", dpi=600)
[docs] def plot_2dvg(self, vg, x, cvs, ngauss): """ Plot 2D metadynamics potential and save to file vg_ngauss-g.png Parameters ---------- vg : 2d numpy array metadynamics potential on the grid x x : 2d numpy meshgrid grid for the metadynamics potential cvs : list of cv objects list of parameters of the collective variables read from input file ngauss : number number of gaussians contained in vg """ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = x[0].min(), x[0].max(), x[1].min(), x[1].max() asp = (xmax-xmin)/(ymax-ymin) if self.fes: if self.welltemp: vg = (self.t + self.deltat)/self.deltat*vg vg -= np.min(vg) plt.imshow(-vg, origin='lower', aspect=asp, extent=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax), cmap="jet") else: vg -= np.min(vg) plt.imshow(-vg, origin='lower', aspect=asp, extent=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax), cmap="jet") plt.title("Free Energy Surface ("+str(ngauss)+" gaussians)") else: vg -= np.min(vg) plt.imshow(vg, origin='lower', aspect=asp, extent=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax), cmap="jet") plt.title("Metadynamics Potential ("+str(ngauss)+" gaussians)") plt.colorbar() type1, type2 = [cv.type for cv in cvs] if cvs[0].ticks: plt.xticks(np.arange(xmin, xmax+cvs[0].ticks, cvs[0].ticks)) # CV 1 if cvs[1].ticks: plt.yticks(np.arange(ymin, ymax+cvs[1].ticks, cvs[1].ticks)) # CV 2 plt.xlabel("CV 1: "+cvs[0].name) plt.ylabel("CV 2: "+cvs[1].name) plt.savefig("vg_"+str(ngauss)+"-g.png", dpi=600)
[docs] def animate_1dvg(self, vg, x, h, w, cv, ngauss, stride=1): """ Animate 1D metadynamics potential and save frames to directory animation Parameters ---------- vg : 1d numpy array metadynamics potential on the grid x x : 1d numpy array grid for the metadynamics potential h : number or list height of the added gaussians (single number for original, list for well-tempered) w : number width of the added gaussians cv : cv object parameters of the collective variable read from input file ngauss: number number of gaussians contained in vg stride : number number of gaussians to be added in each frame of the animation (default: 1) """ # animation function def animate(ng): vg_new = self.get_1dvg(x, h, w, ng) line.set_ydata(vg_new) for coll in ax.collections: ax.collections.remove(coll) ax.fill_between(x, vg_new, color="blue", alpha=0.1) plt.title("Metadynamics Potential (%i gaussians)" % (ng)) plt.savefig("animation/%04i.png" % (ng)) return line, # configure plot fig, ax = plt.subplots() if cv.ticks: plt.xticks(np.arange(x.min(), x.max()+cv.ticks, cv.ticks)) plt.xlabel("CV: " plt.ylabel("metadynamics potential / " + self.unit) # plot and animate line, = ax.plot(x, vg, color="blue", lw=2.5) ax.fill_between(x, vg, color="blue", alpha=0.1) if not os.path.isdir("animation"): os.mkdir("animation") ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, np.arange(0, ngauss+1, stride), interval=25, repeat=False)
[docs] def animate_2dvg(self, vg, x, h, w, cvs, ngauss, stride=1): """ Animate 2D metadynamics potential and save frames to directory animation Parameters ---------- vg : 2d numpy array metadynamics potential on the grid x x : 2d numpy array grid for the metadynamics potential h : number or list height of the added gaussians (single number for original, list for well-tempered) w : list of numbers widths of the added gaussians (1 per CV) cvs : list of cv objects parameters of the collective variables read from input file ngauss: number number of gaussians contained in vg stride : number number of gaussians to be added in each frame of the animation (default: 1) """ # animation function def animate(ng): im.set_array(self.get_ndvg(x, h, w, ng)) plt.title("Metadynamics Potential (%i gaussians)" % (ng)) plt.savefig("animation/%04i.png" % (ng)) return im, # configure plot fig, ax = plt.subplots() xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = x[0].min(), x[0].max(), x[1].min(), x[1].max() asp = (xmax-xmin)/(ymax-ymin) type1, type2 = [cv.type for cv in cvs] if cvs[0].ticks: plt.xticks(np.arange(xmin, xmax+cvs[0].ticks, cvs[0].ticks)) # CV 1 if cvs[1].ticks: plt.yticks(np.arange(ymin, ymax+cvs[1].ticks, cvs[1].ticks)) # CV 2 plt.xlabel("CV 1: "+cvs[0].name) plt.ylabel("CV 2: "+cvs[1].name) # plot and animate im = plt.imshow(vg, origin='lower', aspect=asp, extent=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)) plt.colorbar() if not os.path.isdir("animation"): os.mkdir("animation") ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, np.arange(0, ngauss+1, stride), interval=25, repeat=False)