Definition of custom collective variables ========================================= Apart from the :doc:`../cvs/cvs` already implemented in the :mod:`metafalcon` package, it is possible to define own variables to be used as metadynamics CVs. For each new CV, it is necessary to provide a file that contains two functions, :func:`customcv() ` for the calculation of the variable values from the current coordinates and :func:`dcustomcv() ` for the calculation of its gradient. In order to copy a template `` for the definition of these two functions into your working directory, run:: metaFALCON custom It is important that function names, arguments and returns are not modified. Modifications should only occur in the designated places in :func:`customcv() `:: ### modify the following code custom = 0.0 ### end modify and in :func:`dcustomcv() `:: ### modify the following code dcustom = np.zeros_like(coords) ### end modify However, you can create help functions or import other modules within the :mod:`cvcustom ` module without any problems. Additional parameters needed for the calculation can be provided in `meta-config.json` using the ``"parameters"`` keyword:: { "name": "user-defined variable", "type": "custom", "filename": "cvcustom", "width": 1.0, "parameters": { "key1": value1, "key2": value2, ... } The dictionary that contains ``"key1"`` and ``"key2"`` is given to :func:`customcv() ` and :func:`dcustomcv() ` through the ``prm`` argument. The ``"filename"`` keyword is optional and only needed, if files other than `` are used, for example because multiple user-defined variables are used in the same simulation. In the :mod:`metafalcon` package, lengths and energies are internally handled in atomic units. If a different unit of the variable should be used in the user input and output (e.g. the Gaussian width given in the `meta-config.json` file), a conversion factor is needed. Edit the line :: au2unit = 1.0 so that ``au2unit`` by multiplication converts atomic units into the unit of your variable. For example, if you define a bond length in Angstrom, use:: au2unit = 0.529 .. seealso:: Further information on user-defined CVs is found :doc:`here <../cvs/custom>`.