Source code for metafalcon.meta

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Contains a class for the modification of MD forces by the metadynamics scheme."""

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import numpy as np
import itertools as it
import json

from .cvs import types as cvtypes
from . import constants as c

[docs]class metadynamics: """ Class for performing metadynamics simulations. Parameters ---------- symbols : list of str, optional element symbols needed for calculation of coordination numbers (default: None) file_extension : string, optional string to be appended to in- and output filenames to distinguish between multiple metadynamics objects in the same folder (default: None) restart : bool, optional read gaussian centers from vgcentersfile to restart previous run (default: False) update : bool, optional whether metadynamics potential should be updated during the simulation (default: True) use_threshold : bool, optional use threshold instead of fixed tau_g (default: False) Attributes ---------- symbols : list of str element symbols of the molecule file_extension : string, optional string to be appended to output filenames to distinguish between multiple metadynamics \ objects in the same folder restart : bool read gaussian centers from vgcentersfile to restart previous run update : bool whether metadynamics potential should be updated during the simulation use_threshold : bool, optional use threshold instead of fixed tau_g (default: False) vg_centers : list of float list of all gaussian centers added to vg vg_steps : list of int step numbers, in which gaussians have been added to vg cfg : dict configuration dictionary read from the input file cvs : list list that containing the CV objects """ def __init__(self, symbols=None, file_extension=None, restart=False, update=True, use_threshold=False): """Construct metadynamics object.""" self.symbols = symbols if file_extension: self.file_extension = "_"+file_extension else: self.file_extension = "" self.infile = "meta-config.json" self.vgcentersfile = "vg_centers%s.dat" % self.file_extension self.vgheightsfile = "vg_heights%s.dat" % self.file_extension self.vgstepsfile = "vg_steps%s.dat" % self.file_extension self.restart = restart self.update = update self.use_threshold = use_threshold self.cvs = [] self.welltemp = False self.vg_centers = [] self.vg_steps = [0]
[docs] def read_input(self): """Parse input from the input file""" with open(self.infile) as f: self.cfg = json.load(f)["metadynamics" + self.file_extension] for idx, cv in enumerate(self.get_cfg("collective variables")): self.cvs.append(cvtypes.types[cv["type"]](idx, self.symbols, **cv)) if "plot" in cv.keys(): self.cvs[-1].set_plot(cv["plot"]) # if "wall" in cv.keys(): # self.cvs[-1].set_wall(cv["wall"]) self.ncvs = len(self.cvs) self.activecvs = [cv for cv in self.cvs if == True] self.nactivecvs = len(self.activecvs) if "well-tempered" in self.cfg.keys(): self.welltemp = True self.deltat = self.get_cfg("well-tempered")["delta_T"] self.t = self.get_cfg("well-tempered")["T"] self.heights = [] self.tau_g = self.get_cfg("tau_g", default=0) if "threshold" in self.cfg.keys(): self.use_threshold = True self.height = self.get_cfg("height")*c.from_energyunit(self.get_cfg("height_unit", default="eV"))
[docs] def get_cfg(self, key, default=None): try: return self.cfg[key] except KeyError: if default is not None: return default else: print("Error: mandatory keyword %s missing in the input file!" % key)
[docs] def set_dftb_object(self, dftb): """For Mulliken charges, set the `DFTB.PES.PotentialEnergySurfaces` object.""" for cv in self.cvs: if cv.type == "mullcharge": cv.set_dftb_object(dftb)
[docs] def initialize_vg(self): """Initialize vg and output files""" = 0.0 if self.restart: with open(self.vgcentersfile) as f: self.vg_centers = [[float(s) for s in line.split()] for line in f] if self.welltemp: with open(self.vgheightsfile) as f: self.heights = [[float(s) for s in line.split()] for line in f] if os.path.exists(self.vgstepsfile): with open(self.vgstepsfile) as f: self.vg_steps = [int(line) for line in f] if not self.vg_steps: self.vg_steps.append(0) else: # file in which the centers of the gaussians are stored with open(self.vgcentersfile, "w") as f: f.write("# gaussian centers of vg, for parameters see "+str(self.infile)+"\n") if self.welltemp: with open(self.vgheightsfile, "w") as f: f.write("# gaussian heights of well-tempered metadynamics vg\n") with open(self.vgstepsfile, "w") as f: f.write("# step numbers of added gaussians\n") # file in which threshold values are stored, if used if self.use_threshold: with open("thresh_values.dat", "w") as f: f.write("# threshold values\n") with open("mod.dat", "w") as f: f.write("# modication to gap\n") with open("dmod.dat", "w") as f: f.write("# derivative of modification to gap") for cv in self.cvs: cv.initialize()
[docs] def set_s_and_ds(self): """Calculate values of CV s and derivatives wrt coordinates ds_dr""" for cv in self.cvs: # delete old tmp files if they exist cv.delete_tmpfile() self.s = np.zeros(self.ncvs) self.ds_dr = np.zeros((self.ncvs, len(self.coordinates), 3)) for i, cv in enumerate(self.cvs): cv.set_s_and_ds(self.coordinates) self.s[i] = cv.get_s() self.ds_dr[i] = cv.get_ds_dr()
[docs] def get_height(self): """Return the height of the gaussian in the current step.""" return self.height*np.exp(-self.old_vg/(c.kb*self.deltat))
[docs] def get_vg(self): """ Return vg value in the current step Returns ------- vg : float value of the metadynamics potential in the current step """ def gaussian_exp(cv, s0, shift=0.0): return -(cv.s-s0+shift)**2/2/cv.width**2 shifts = [p for p in it.product(*[cv.shift for cv in self.activecvs])] # periodicity of torsion angles vg = 0.0 for i, center in enumerate(self.vg_centers): if self.welltemp: height = self.heights[i] else: height = self.height for shift in shifts: exps = [gaussian_exp(cv, cv_center, shift=cv_shift) for cv, cv_center, cv_shift in zip(self.activecvs, center, shift)] vg += height*np.exp(np.sum(exps)) ## only for 1-dimensional metadynamics with periodic cv, ugly workaround if len(self.activecvs) == 1 and self.activecvs[0].periodic: cv = self.activecvs[0] if cv.periodictype == "mirror": vg += height*np.exp(gaussian_exp(cv, 2*cv.periodicstart-center[0])) vg += height*np.exp(gaussian_exp(cv, 2*cv.periodicend-center[0])) return vg
[docs] def get_dvg_ds(self): """ Return dvg_ds in the current step Returns ------- dvg_ds : np.array derivative of the metadynamics potential wrt CV in the current step (shape: (Ncvs)) """ def gaussian_exp(cv, s0, shift=0.0): return -(cv.s-s0+shift)**2/2/cv.width**2 def gaussian_dexp(cv, s0, shift=0.0): return -(cv.s-s0+shift)/cv.width**2 shifts = [p for p in it.product(*[cv.shift for cv in self.activecvs])] # periodicity of torsion angles dvg_ds = np.zeros(self.nactivecvs) for i, center in enumerate(self.vg_centers): if self.welltemp: height = self.heights[i] else: height = self.height for shift in shifts: exps = [gaussian_exp(cv, cv_center, shift=cv_shift) for cv, cv_center, cv_shift in zip(self.activecvs, center, shift)] dexps = [gaussian_dexp(cv, cv_center, shift=cv_shift) for cv, cv_center, cv_shift in zip(self.activecvs, center, shift)] for cv in self.activecvs: dvg_ds[cv.idx] += height*np.exp(np.sum(exps))*dexps[cv.idx] ## only for 1-dimensional metadynamics with periodic cv, ugly workaround if len(self.activecvs) == 1 and self.activecvs[0].periodic: cv = self.activecvs[0] if cv.periodictype == "mirror": start = 2*cv.periodicstart-center[0] end = 2*cv.periodicend-center[0] dvg_ds[0] += height*np.exp(gaussian_exp(cv, start))*gaussian_dexp(cv, start) dvg_ds[0] += height*np.exp(gaussian_exp(cv, end))*gaussian_dexp(cv, end) return dvg_ds
[docs] def set_thresh_value(self, value): """Set value for the threshold evaluation.""" self.thresh_value = value
# print("meta.thresh_value set to ", self.thresh_value)
[docs] def update_vg(self, step=0): """ Add new gaussian to vg every tau_g steps. Parameters ---------- step : int step number of the dynamics simulation (default: 0) """ if self.use_threshold: # print "meta.thresh_value is now ", self.thresh_value # self.thresh_value += # add metadynamics potential to current gap # print "and after addition of vg: ", self.thresh_value with open("thresh_values.dat", "a") as f: f.write("%12.8f \n" % self.thresh_value) if (step - self.vg_steps[-1] == self.tau_g): f.write("tau_g is the reason\n") f.write("step: %d\n" % step) f.write("last step: %d\n" % self.vg_steps[-1]) f.write("tau_g: %d\n" % self.tau_g) if (self.use_threshold and self.thresh_value <= self.cfg["threshold"]): f.write("threshold is the reason\n") # if metadynamics step, update lamdvg and write s to vgcentersfile self.updated = False if self.tau_g: # print "step: ", step # print "tau_g: ", self.tau_g # print "last step: ", self.vg_steps[-1] # print "step - last step: ", step - self.vg_steps[-1] do_update_tau_g = step > 0 and not((step - self.vg_steps[-1]) % self.tau_g) # print "do_update_tau_g: ", do_update_tau_g else: do_update_tau_g = False if self.use_threshold: do_update_thresh = (self.thresh_value <= self.cfg["threshold"]) else: do_update_thresh = False ### CV update threshold for cv in self.activecvs: if not cv.update: do_update_tau_g = False do_update_thresh = False print("CV %s outside epsilon range in step %d" % (, step)) ### end CV update threshold if self.update and (do_update_tau_g or do_update_thresh): if self.use_threshold: print("threshold is reached, update metadynamics") print("cv-values: \n", [cv.s for cv in self.activecvs]) if self.welltemp: self.old_vg = self.get_vg() self.heights.append(self.get_height()) with open(self.vgheightsfile, "a") as outf: outf.write("%16.9e\n" % self.heights[-1]) self.vg_centers.append([cv.s for cv in self.activecvs]) self.vg_steps.append(step) fmt = self.nactivecvs*"%16.9e "+"\n" with open(self.vgcentersfile, "a") as outf: centers_converted = [cv.convert_units(cv.s) for cv in self.activecvs] outf.write(fmt % tuple(centers_converted)) with open(self.vgstepsfile, "a") as outf: outf.write("%d\n" % step) # if self.welltemp: # with open(self.vgheightsfile, "a") as outf: # outf.write("%12.6f\n" % (self.heights[-1])) self.updated = True = self.get_vg() # get dvg_dr self.dvg_dr = np.zeros_like(self.coordinates) self.dvg_ds = self.get_dvg_ds() for dvg_ds, cv in zip(self.dvg_ds, self.activecvs): self.dvg_dr += dvg_ds*cv.ds_dr # add wall potential for cv in self.cvs: if cv.use_wall: cv.set_wall_s() with open("wall_%d.dat" % cv.idx, "a") as f: f.write("%16.9e\n" % cv.wallfunc(cv.s, **cv.wall_kwargs)) dwall_ds = cv.dwallfunc(cv.s, **cv.wall_kwargs) self.dvg_dr += dwall_ds*cv.ds_dr if self.use_threshold: # print("save temporary files tmp_mod and tmp_dmod")"tmp_mod", np.array("tmp_dmod", self.dvg_dr) with open("mod.dat", "a") as f: f.write("%16.8f\n" % with open("dmod.dat", "a") as f: f.write("%16.8f\n" % np.linalg.norm(self.dvg_dr))
[docs] def get_forces(self, coords, step): """ Check if vg should be updated and return metadynamics forces. Parameters ---------- coords : np.array coordinates (shape: (N, 3)) step : int step number of the dynamics simulation Returns ------- forces : np.array forces obtained from the current metadynamics potential (shape: (N, 3)) """ # update step for every cv for cv in self.cvs: cv.set_step(step) self.coordinates = coords self.set_s_and_ds() for cv in self.cvs: cv.set_update(cv.s) if cv.type == "energygap" and cv.do_multistate and cv.offdiag.updated: cv.update = False self.update_vg(step) return -self.dvg_dr
[docs] def get_coupled_energies_grads(self, coords, en1, en2, grad1, grad2, step=0): """ Couple the given energies and gradients by metadynamics potential. Parameters ---------- coords : np.array coordinates (shape: (N, 3)) en1 : float lower state energy to be coupled en2 : float upper state energy to be coupled grad1 : np.array lower state energy gradient to be coupled (shape: (N, 3)) grad2 : np.array upper state energy gradient to be coupled (shape: (N, 3)) step : int, optional step number of the dynamics simulation needed for metadynamics wih tau_g (default: 0) Returns ------- new_en1 : float lower state energy after coupling new_en2 : float upper state energy after coupling new_grad1 : np.array lower state energy gradient after coupling (shape: (N, 3)) new_grad2 : np.array upper state energy gradient after coupling (shape: (N, 3)) """ # update step for every cv for cv in self.cvs: cv.set_step(step) # get current coupling self.coordinates = coords self.set_s_and_ds() # calculate new energies sqrt = np.sqrt((en1-en2)**2+4*self.get_vg()**2) # number new_en1 = 0.5*(en1+en2-sqrt) # number new_en2 = 0.5*(en1+en2+sqrt) # number # set threshold self.set_thresh_value(abs(new_en2-new_en1)) for cv in self.cvs: cv.set_update(abs(new_en2-new_en1)) # update metadynamics and get coupling self.update_vg(step) # calculate new energies if potential has been updated if self.updated: sqrt = np.sqrt((en1-en2)**2+4*self.get_vg()**2) # number new_en1 = 0.5*(en1+en2-sqrt) # number new_en2 = 0.5*(en1+en2+sqrt) # number # calculate new gradients dsqrt = 1/sqrt*((en2-en1)*(grad2-grad1)+4*self.get_vg()*self.dvg_dr) # coords-shapes (N, 3) new_grad1 = 0.5*(grad1+grad2-dsqrt) # coords-shaped (N, 3) new_grad2 = 0.5*(grad1+grad2+dsqrt) # coords-shaped (N, 3) # with open("gap_derivatives.dat", "a") as f: # f.write("%4d %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f \n" % (step, # (en2-en1)/(new_en2-new_en1), # np.linalg.norm(grad2-grad1), # np.linalg.norm(4*self.dvg_dr), # np.linalg.norm(new_grad2-new_grad1))) # with open("dnewgap_dx.dat", "a") as f: # f.write("dnewgap_dx\n") # for gapgrad in (new_grad2-new_grad1): # f.write("%12.8f %12.8f %12.8f\n" % (gapgrad[0], gapgrad[1], gapgrad[2])) # with open("dgap_dx.dat", "a") as f: # f.write("dgap_dx\n") # for gapgrad in (grad2-grad1): # f.write("%12.8f %12.8f %12.8f\n" % (gapgrad[0], gapgrad[1], gapgrad[2])) # with open("4dj_dx.dat", "a") as f: # f.write("4dj_dx\n") # for jgrad in (4*self.dvg_dr): # f.write("%12.8f %12.8f %12.8f\n" % (jgrad[0], jgrad[1], jgrad[2])) return new_en1, new_en2, new_grad1, new_grad2