Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Contains a class for molecular dynamics simulation runs."""

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import datetime
import numpy as np
import json

from . import initial
from . import meta
from . import constants as c
from . import atoms as at
from .interfaces.types import types as ifaces

[docs]class moleculardynamics: """ Class to carry out molecular dynamics simulations using the velocity-Verlet algorithm. Attributes ---------- symbols : list of str atomic symbols of the molecule coords : np.2darray cartesian coordinates of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) velos : np.2darray cartesian velocities of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) accel : np.2darray cartesian accelerations determined dy some quantum chemistry code (shape: (N, 3)) masses : np.array masses of the atoms in the molecule in atomic mass units (shape: (N)) energy : float electronic energy in the current time step filendx : int index of the current dynamics-\*.log file restart : bool if `True`, the previous results are read in and extended (default: False) start : int first dynamics step to start with when doing a restart dometa : bool modify the forces in each the dynamics step by the metadynamics scheme (default: False) updatemeta : bool if `False`, the existing metadynamics potential is not updated (default: True) """ def __init__(self): """Construct object of class `moleculardynamics`.""" self.symbols = [] self.coords = [] self.velos = [] self.accel = [] self.masses = [] = 0.0 self.filendx = 0 # self.restart = False self.start = 0 self.dometa = False self.updatemeta = True
[docs] def read_input(self): """Read configuration parameters from meta-config.json.""" with open("meta-config.json") as f: self.config = json.load(f) self.config = self.get_cfg(self.config, "molecular dynamics", default={}) # self.tstep = self.config["tstep"]*c.fs2au # self.nsteps = self.config["nsteps"] # self.dometa = self.config["do_meta"] # self.iface = self.config["interface"]["type"] # if "configure" in self.config["interface"].keys(): # self.iface_cfg = self.config["interface"]["configure"] # else: # self.iface_cfg = {} self.tstep = self.get_cfg(self.config, "tstep", default=1.)*c.fs2au self.nsteps = self.get_cfg(self.config, "nsteps", default=1000) self.dometa = self.get_cfg(self.config, "do_meta", default=False) self.iface = self.get_cfg(self.config["interface"], "type") self.iface_cfg = self.get_cfg(self.config["interface"], "configure", default={}) self.restart = self.get_cfg(self.config, "restart", default=False) if "thermostat" in self.config.keys(): self.thermostat = self.get_cfg(self.config["thermostat"], "type", default="none") if self.thermostat != "none": self.tref = self.get_cfg(self.config["thermostat"], "temperature") self.tau = self.get_cfg(self.config["thermostat"], "tau")*c.fs2au # self.thermostat = self.config["thermostat"]["type"] else: self.thermostat = "none" # if self.thermostat != "none": # self.tref = self.config["thermostat"]["temperature"] # self.tau = self.config["thermostat"]["tau"]*c.fs2au if self.restart: # if self.start == -1: self.start = initial.get_laststep_from_log() self.symbols, self.coords, self.velos = initial.get_initial_from_log(self.start) ### from checkpoints # self.coords = np.load("coords.npy") # self.velos = np.load("velos.npy") else: self.symbols, self.coords, self.velos = initial.read_initial() self.nat = len(self.symbols) self.masses = np.array([at.atomicmasses[symbol.capitalize()] for symbol in self.symbols]) self.totalmass = np.sum(self.masses)
[docs] def get_cfg(self, config, key, default=None): try: return config[key] except KeyError: if default is not None: return default else: print("Error: mandatory keyword %s missing in the input file!" % key)
[docs] def set_coordinates(self, coords): """ Set coordinates attribute. Parameters ---------- coords : np.2darray cartesian coordinates of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) """ self.coords = coords
[docs] def set_velocities(self, velos): """ Set velocities attribute. Parameters ---------- velos : np.2darray cartesian velocities of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) """ self.velos = velos
[docs] def get_centerofmass(self, coords): """ Return center of mass of the given molecule. Parameters ---------- coords : np.2darray cartesian coordinates of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) Returns ------- centerofmass : np.array x-, y-, z-coordinates of the center of mass (shape: (3)) """ return np.sum((coords.T*self.masses).T/self.totalmass, axis=0)
[docs] def shift_to_centerofmass(self, coords): """ Translate molecule into its center of mass. Parameters ---------- coords : np.2darray cartesian coordinates of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) Returns ------- newcoords : np.2darray shifted cartesian coordinates (shape: (N, 3)) """ return coords - self.get_centerofmass(coords)
[docs] def momentum(self, velos): """ Return the total momentum. Parameters ---------- velos : np.2darray cartesian velocities of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) Returns ------- mom : np.array x-, y-, z-components of the total momentum of the molecule (shape: (3)) """ return np.sum((velos.T*self.masses).T, axis=0)
[docs] def eliminate_trans(self, velos, mom): """ Eliminate translation from velocities. Parameters ---------- velos : np.2darray cartesian velocities of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) mom : np.array x-, y-, z-components of the total momentum of the molecule (shape: (3)) Returns ------- newvelos : np.2darray new velocities with eliminated translation """ return velos - mom.T/self.totalmass
[docs] def angular_momentum(self, coords, velos): """ Return the total angular momentum. Parameters ---------- coords : np.2darray cartesian coordinates of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) velos : np.2darray cartesian velocities of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) Returns ------- angmom : np.array x-, y-, z-components of the total angular momentum of the molecule (shape: (3)) """ return np.sum((np.cross(coords, velos, axis=1).T*self.masses).T, axis=0)
[docs] def moment_of_inertia(self, coords): """ Return the moment of inertia. Parameters ---------- coords : np.2darray cartesian coordinates of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) Returns ------- inertia : np.array x-, y-, z-components of the moment of inertia of the molecule (shape: (3)) """ inertia = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=float) Emat = np.identity(3, dtype=float) for i, mass in enumerate(self.masses): inertia += mass*(np.inner(coords[i], coords[i])*Emat-np.outer(coords[i], coords[i])) return inertia
[docs] def get_angular_velocity(self, angmom, inertia): """ Return the angular velocity. Parameters ---------- angmom : np.array x-, y-, z-components of the total angular momentum of the molecule (shape: (3)) inertia : np.array x-, y-, z-components of the moment of inertia of the molecule (shape: (3)) Returns ------- angvel : np.array x-, y-, z-components of the angular velocity of the molecule (shape: (3)) """ return, angmom)
[docs] def eliminate_rot(self, velos, angvel, coords): """ Eliminate rotation from velocities. Parameters ---------- velos : np.2darray cartesian velocities of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) angvel : np.array x-, y-, z-components of the angular velocity of the molecule (shape: (3)) coords : np.2darray cartesian coordinates of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) Returns ------- newvelos : np.2darray new velocities with eliminated rotation (shape: (N, 3)) """ for i in range(self.nat): velos[i] = velos[i]-np.cross(angvel, coords[i]) return velos
[docs] def get_ekin(self, velos): """ Return the total kinetic energy. Parameters ---------- velos : np.2darray cartesian velocities of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) Returns ------- ekin : float kinetic energy """ return 0.5*np.sum(((velos**2).T*self.masses).T)
[docs] def get_temperature(self, ekin): """ Return the temperature corresponding to the kinetic energy. Parameters ---------- ekin : float current kinetic energy Returns ------- temp : float current temperature """ if self.nat > 2: f = 3*self.nat-6 else: f = 3*self.nat-5 return (2*ekin)/(f*c.kb)
[docs] def set_energy_and_accel(self): """Use the QC-calculator to determine the current energy and accelerations.""" self.calculator.set_coords(self.coords) self.calculator.calculate() = self.calculator.get_energy() forces = -self.calculator.get_gradient() self.accel = (forces.transpose()/np.array(self.masses)).transpose()
[docs] def initiate_trajectory(self): """Initialize trajectory for a molecular dynamics simulation.""" self.step = 0 self.write_initial_step() self.coords = self.shift_to_centerofmass(self.coords) self.velos = self.eliminate_trans(self.velos, self.momentum(self.velos)) angmom = self.angular_momentum(self.coords, self.velos) inertia = self.moment_of_inertia(self.coords) angvel = self.get_angular_velocity(angmom, inertia) self.velos = self.eliminate_rot(self. velos, angvel, self.coords) self.calculator = ifaces[self.iface](self.symbols, self.coords, **self.iface_cfg) self.set_energy_and_accel() ekin = self.get_ekin(self.velos) self.write_step(self.start, ekin,,, 0.0) ### debugging hook try: sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd()) self.debug = __import__("debug_hook") except: self.debug = False
### end debugging hook
[docs] def write_initial_step(self): """Initialize the dynamics-\*.log file.""" if self.restart: while os.path.exists("dynamics-%s.log" % self.filendx): self.filendx += 1 else: os.system("rm -f dynamics-*.log") with open("dynamics-%s.log" % self.filendx, "w") as f: f.write("=================================\n") f.write("=== MOLECULAR DYNAMICS OUTPUT ===\n") f.write("=================================\n\n") f.write("=== INITIAL SYSTEM ===\n")
[docs] def write_step(self, step, ekin, epot, etot, conservation): """Write results of current dynamics step to the dynamics-\*.log file.""" time = step*self.tstep/c.fs2au with open("dynamics-%s.log" % self.filendx, "a") as f: f.write("\nstep: %i\n" % step) f.write("time: %.2f fs\n" % time) f.write("date: %s\n" %"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) f.write("coordinates: %i\n" % self.nat) for symb, coord in zip(self.symbols, self.coords): fmt = "%2s %16.9e %16.9e %16.9e\n" f.write(fmt % (symb, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2])) f.write("\nvelocities: %i\n" % self.nat) for velo in self.velos: fmt = " %16.9e %16.9e %16.9e\n" f.write(fmt % (velo[0], velo[1], velo[2])) fmt = "%s %20.12f\n" f.write(fmt % ("\nTemperature : ", self.get_temperature(ekin))) f.write(fmt % ("Kinetic energy : ", ekin)) f.write(fmt % ("Electronic energy : ", epot)) f.write(fmt % ("Total energy : ", etot)) f.write(fmt % ("Conservation : ", conservation))
# ### checkpoint files #"coords.npy", self.coords) #"velos.npy", self.velos)
[docs] def verlet(self): """Perform molecular dynamics simulation using the velocity-Verlet algorithm.""" self.initiate_trajectory() ### metadynamics ### if self.dometa: metaob = meta.metadynamics(symbols=self.symbols, restart=self.restart, update=self.updatemeta) metaob.read_input() metaob.initialize_vg() if self.iface == "dftbaby": metaob.set_dftb_object(self.calculator.dftbpes) metaforces = metaob.get_forces(self.coords, self.start) self.accel += (metaforces.transpose()/self.masses).transpose() ### end metadynamics ### with open("dynamics-%s.log" % self.filendx, "a") as f: f.write("\n=== DYNAMICS BEGIN ===\n") self.coords = self.coords+self.tstep*self.velos+0.5*((self.tstep)**2)*self.accel self.coords = self.shift_to_centerofmass(self.coords) ekin = self.get_ekin(self.velos) for i in range(self.start+1, self.nsteps+1): self.step = i old_accel = self.accel old_etot = self.set_energy_and_accel() ### metadynamics ### if self.dometa: print("original accelerations step %i: \n" % i, self.accel) oldaccel = np.copy(self.accel) metaforces = metaob.get_forces(self.coords, i) self.accel += (metaforces.transpose()/self.masses).transpose() print("metadynamics accelerations step %i: \n" % i, self.accel-oldaccel) print("total accelerations step %i: \n" % i, self.accel) ### end metadynamics ### ### end dynamics if calculation has not converged if not self.calculator.converged: print("QM calculation not converged, end dynamics") break ### end end dynamics self.velos = self.velos+self.tstep*0.5*(old_accel+self.accel) self.velos = self.eliminate_trans(self.velos, self.momentum(self.velos)) angmom = self.angular_momentum(self.coords, self.velos) inertia = self.moment_of_inertia(self.coords) angvel = self.get_angular_velocity(angmom, inertia) self.velos = self.eliminate_rot(self.velos, angvel, self.coords) ekin = self.get_ekin(self.velos) ### thermostat if self.thermostat != "none": t = self.get_temperature(ekin) if self.thermostat == "berendsen": self.velos *= np.sqrt(1+(self.tstep/self.tau)*(self.tref/t-1)) elif self.thermostat == "bussi": if self.tau > 0.01: efunc = np.exp(-self.tstep/self.tau) else: efunc = 0. f = 3*self.nat-6 r = np.random.normal(size=f) self.velos *= np.sqrt(efunc+self.tref/(f*t)*(1-efunc)*np.sum(r**2)+ 2*efunc*np.sqrt(self.tref/(f*t)*(1-efunc))*r[0]) ### end thermostat ekin = self.get_ekin(self.velos) etot = self.write_step(i, ekin,, etot, etot-old_etot) self.coords = self.coords+self.tstep*self.velos+((self.tstep)**2)*self.accel*0.5 self.coords = self.shift_to_centerofmass(self.coords) ### debugging hook if self.debug: ### end debugging hook with open("dynamics-%s.log" % self.filendx,"a") as f: f.write("\n=== DYNAMICS END ===")
# def modbeeman(self): # self.initiate_trajectory() # with open("dynamics-%s.log" % self.filendx,"a") as output: # output.write("\n=== DYNAMICS BEGIN ===\n") # #---- r0,v0 # ekin=self.get_ekin(self.velos) # self.coords=self.coords+self.tstep*self.velos+float(0.5)*((self.tstep)**2)*self.accel #F0,r1 # self.coords=self.shift_to_centerofmass(self.coords) # oldforces=self.accel # #, self.accel=self.set_energy_and_accel() #F1 # self.velos=self.velos+self.tstep*float(0.5)*(oldforces+self.accel) #v1 # self.velos=self.eliminate_trans(self.velos,self.momentum(self.velos)) # angmom=self.angular_momentum(self.coords,self.velos) # inertia=self.moment_of_inertia(self.coords,self.masses) # angvel=self.get_angular_velocity(angmom,inertia) # self.velos=self.eliminate_rot(self.velos,angvel,self.coords) # ekin=self.get_ekin(self.velos) # # self.write_step(self.start+1,self.symbols,self.coords,self.velos,ekin,,total_energy,total_energy-oldtotal_energy) # # for i in range(self.start+2,self.nsteps+1): # Beeman requires r1,v1,F0,F1 # olderforces=oldforces # Fn-1 # oldforces=self.accel # Fn # # self.coords=self.coords+self.tstep*self.velos+((self.tstep)**2)*(oldforces*float(2.0/3.0)-float(1.0/6.0)*olderforces) # r2 with Beeman using Fn and Fn-1 # self.coords=self.shift_to_centerofmass(self.coords) #, self.accel=self.set_energy_and_accel() # # Beeman: vn+1=vn + 1/3*dt*F(n+1) + 5/6*dt*Fn - 1/6*dt*Fn-1 # self.velos=self.velos+float(1.0/3.0)*self.tstep*self.accel+float(5.0/6.0)*self.tstep*oldforces-float(1.0/6.0)*self.tstep*olderforces # vn+1 # self.velos=self.eliminate_trans(self.velos,self.momentum(self.velos)) # angmom=self.angular_momentum(self.coords,self.velos) # inertia=self.moment_of_inertia(self.coords,self.masses) # angvel=self.get_angular_velocity(angmom,inertia) # self.velos=self.eliminate_rot(self.velos,angvel,self.coords) # angmom=self.angular_momentum(self.coords,self.velos) # ekin=self.get_ekin(self.velos) # # self.write_step(i,self.symbols,self.coords,self.velos,ekin,,total_energy,total_energy-oldtotal_energy) if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Start molecular dynamics program. No options \ available.") args = parser.parse_args() dyn = moleculardynamics() dyn.read_input() dyn.verlet()