Source code for metafalcon.interfaces.molpro

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Contains a class for QC-calculations using Molpro."""

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import numpy as np
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
import pickle

from .iface import iface
from .. import constants as c

[docs]class iface_molpro(iface): """ Interface to Molpro for QC-calculations, inherits from `metafalcon.interfaces.iface.iface`. Parameters ---------- symbols : list of str atomic symbols of the molecule coords : np.2darray (shape: (N, 3)) atomic xyz-coordinates of the molecule (bohr) kwargs : See below Keyword Arguments ----------------- nproc : int number of processors to be used in parallel calculation mem : int amount of memory to be used by molpro (in MB) Attributes ---------- symbols : list of str atomic symbols of the molecule coords : np.2darray (shape: (N, 3)) atomic xyz-coordinates of the molecule (bohr) energy : float electronic energy of the molecule calculated most recently (hartrees) gradient : np.2darray (shape: (N, 3)) electronic energy gradient of the molecule with current coordinates (hartree/bohr) nproc : int number of processors to be used in parallel calculation head : list of str lines to be used as head for the molpro inputfile tail : list of str lines to be used as tail for the molpro inputfile See Also -------- iface.set_symbols() iface.set_coords() iface.get_energy() iface.get_gradient() """ def __init__(self, symbols, coords, **kwargs): """Construct Molpro interface object.""" iface.__init__(self, symbols, coords) # self.saveorbitals = prm["saveorbitals"] self.nproc = kwargs["nproc"] self.mem = kwargs["mem"] # save temporary wavefunction-file if os.path.exists("original.wfu"): os.system("cp original.wfu temp.wfu") # if self.saveorbitals and not os.path.exists("wfu"): # os.mkdir("wfu") # read in head and tail with open("head") as f, open("tail") as g: self.head = f.readlines() self.tail = g.readlines()
[docs] def calculate(self): """Calculate energies and gradients for the current set of coordinates.""" def has_error(tree): return bool(list(tree.iter(ns + "error"))) def get_error(): with open("molpro.xml") as f: for line in f: if "ERROR DETECTED" in line: [ for i in range(2)] return os.system("rm -f molpro.*") with open("", "w") as f: f.writelines(self.head) for sym, coord in zip(self.symbols, self.coords*c.a0): f.write("%s %20.12f %20.12f %20.12f \n" % (sym, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2])) f.writelines(self.tail) # if not self.step % 10: # f.write("\n put,molden,molden_%i.input\n" % self.step) cwd = os.getcwd() os.system("molpro -n %d -m %dm -d %s -I %s -W %s" % (self.nproc, self.mem, cwd, cwd, cwd)) ns = "{}" tree = et.parse("molpro.xml") if has_error(tree): error = get_error() print("found error:\n", error) if error == "EXCESSIVE GRADIENT IN CI": pspace = 1 while has_error(tree) and pspace < 100: print("setting pspace thresh to ", pspace) os.rename("", "") with open("") as f, open("", "w") as g: for line in f: if "pspace" in line: continue g.write(line) if "occ" in line: g.write("pspace,%d\n" % pspace) os.system("molpro -n %d -m %dm -d %s -I %s -W %s" % (self.nproc, self.mem, cwd, cwd, cwd)) tree = et.parse("molpro.xml") pspace *= 2 else: if os.path.exists("original.wfu"): os.system("cp original.wfu temp.wfu") print("using original orbitals to restart calculation") print("restart molpro calculation") os.system("molpro -n %d -m %dm -d %s -I %s -W %s" % (self.nproc, self.mem, cwd, cwd, cwd)) tree = et.parse("molpro.xml") if not has_error(tree): print("problem solved") else: print("problem could not be solved") # # save orbitals every few steps # if self.saveorbitals and not self.step % self.saveorbitals: # os.system("cp temp.wfu wfu/%i.wfu" % self.step) # end save orbitals energies = [float(prop.attrib["value"]) for prop in tree.iter(ns + "property") if prop.attrib["name"] == "Energy" and prop.attrib["method"] == "MCSCF"] with open("energies.pickle", "w") as f: pickle.dump(energies, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) gradients = [np.array(gradient.text.split(), dtype=float).reshape(self.coords.shape) for gradient in tree.iter(ns + "gradient")] with open("gradients.pickle", "w") as f: pickle.dump(gradients, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) try: = energies[0] self.gradient = gradients[0] self.converged = True except KeyError as e: = 0.0 self.gradient = np.zeros_like(self.coords) self.converged = False print(e)