Source code for metafalcon.cvs.balaban

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Contains a class for using the 3D Balaban index as a CV."""

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import itertools as it

from .. import constants as c
from . import cvfunctions as cvf
from .cv import cv

[docs]class cv_balaban(cv): """ Balaban index as collective variable, inherits from ``. Parameters ---------- idx : int index of collective variable in the input file symbols : list of str atomic symbols of the molecule **kwargs : See below Keyword Arguments ----------------- exclude_h : bool do not include distances to hydrogen atoms (default: False) update_adjacency : bool update the adjacency in every dynamics step (default: False) """ def __init__(self, idx, symbols, **kwargs): """Construct Balaban index CV object.""" cv.__init__(self, idx, symbols, **kwargs) self.x = np.linspace(0., 1., 200) self.exclude_h = self.get_kwargs("exclude_h", default=False) self.update_am = self.get_kwargs("update_adjacency", default=False) = np.zeros((len(self.symbols), len(self.symbols))) self.au2unit = (c.a0*c.a0)**(-0.5) self.reset_width()
[docs] def get_adjacencymatrix(self, coords): """ Calculate the adjacency matrix for the given coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : np.2darray (shape: (N, 3)) atomic xyz-coordinates of the molecule (bohr) Returns ------- am : np.2darray (shape: (N, N)) adjacency matrix """ nat = len(coords) rcov = {"C": 0.77/c.a0, "H": 0.37/c.a0, "O": 0.66/c.a0} threshold = 0.2 am = np.zeros((nat,nat)) for p in it.combinations(range(nat), 2): if self.exclude_h == True and ("H" in [self.symbols[p_i] for p_i in p]): continue rcov_sum = rcov[self.symbols[p[0]]] + rcov[self.symbols[p[1]]] if np.abs([[p]]) - rcov_sum) < threshold * rcov_sum: am[p] = 1.0 #[[p]]) am += am.T return am[~np.all(am==0, axis=1)][:, ~np.all(am==0, axis=0)]
[docs] def get_edges(self, am): """ Return edges from the adjacency matrix. Parameters ---------- am : np.2darray (shape: (N, N)) adjacency matrix Returns ------- edges : np.2darray (shape: (Nedges, 2)) pairs of connected atoms """ return np.transpose(np.nonzero(np.triu(am)))
[docs] def get_distancematrix(self, coords): """ Return the geometrical distance matrix. Parameters ---------- coords : np.2darray (shape: (N, 3)) atomic xyz-coordinates of the molecule (bohr) Returns ------- dm : np.2darray (shape: (N, N)) geometrical distance matrix """ nat = len(coords) dm = np.zeros((nat, nat)) for p in it.combinations(range(nat), 2): if self.exclude_h == True and ("H" in [self.symbols[p_i] for p_i in p]): continue dm[p] =[[p]]) dm += dm.T return dm[~np.all(dm==0, axis=1)][:, ~np.all(dm==0, axis=0)]
[docs] def get_ddistancematrix(self, coords): """ Return the gradient of the geometrical distance matrix. Parameters ---------- coords : np.2darray (shape: (N, 3)) atomic xyz-coordinates of the molecule (bohr) Returns ------- ddm : np.2darray (shape: (N, N, N, 3)) gradient of the geometrical distance matrix """ nat = len(coords) ddm = np.zeros((nat, nat, nat, 3)) for p in it.combinations(range(nat), 2): if self.exclude_h == True and ("H" in [self.symbols[p_i] for p_i in p]): continue ddm[p[0], p[1]][[p]] = cvf.dbond(coords[[p]]) ddm[p[1], p[0]][[p]] = ddm[p[0], p[1]][[p]] return ddm[~np.all(ddm==0, axis=(1, 2, 3))][:, ~np.all(ddm==0, axis=(0, 2, 3))]
[docs] def get_balaban(self, dm, edges): """ Return Balaban index. Parameters ---------- dm : np.2darray (shape: (N, N)) geometrical distance matrix edges : np.2darray (shape: (Nedges, 2)) pairs of connected atoms Returns ------- balaban : float 3D Balaban index """ distsum = np.sum(dm, axis=0) n = np.size(distsum) m = np.size(edges, axis=0) balaban = 0.0 for p in edges: balaban +=[[p]])**(-0.5) return (m/(m-n+2))*balaban
[docs] def get_dbalaban(self, dm, ddm, edges): """ Return the gradient of the Balaban index. Parameters ---------- dm : np.2darray (shape: (N, N)) geometrical distance matrix ddm : np.2darray (shape: (N, N, N, 3)) gradient of the geometrical distance matrix edges : np.2darray (shape: (Nedges, 2)) pairs of connected atoms Returns ------- dbalaban : np.2darray (shape: (N, 3)) gradient of the 3D Balaban index """ distsum = np.sum(dm, axis=0) ddistsum = np.sum(ddm, axis=0) n = np.size(dm, axis=0) m = np.size(edges, axis=0) dbalaban = np.zeros_like(ddm[0, 0]) for p in edges: dbalaban += -0.5*[[p]])**(-1.5)* \ (distsum[p[0]]*ddistsum[p[1]]+distsum[p[1]]*ddistsum[p[0]]) return (m/(m-n+2))*dbalaban
[docs] def set_s_and_ds(self, coords): """ Calculate 3D Balaban index and its gradient for the current set of coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : np.2darray cartesian coordinates of the molecule (shape: (N, 3)) """ if not or self.update_am: = self.get_adjacencymatrix(coords) edges = self.get_edges( dm = self.get_distancematrix(coords) ddm = self.get_ddistancematrix(coords) balaban = self.get_balaban(dm, edges) dbalaban = self.get_dbalaban(dm, ddm, edges) self.s = balaban self.ds_dr = dbalaban print("balaban: ", balaban*self.au2unit) print("dbalaban:\n", dbalaban)